What is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapy and How Can It Benefit You?


If you are looking for a unique and beneficial massage experience, you’ve come to the right place! Ashiatsu barefoot massage therapy is a therapeutic technique that’s quickly becoming a popular choice for those seeking relief from pain, stress, and more.

What Is Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapy?

Ashiatsu, or as we lovingly called Ashi or solemassage, is a technique where the therapists uses overhead bars for support and balance. At THE SPACE, we also use two straps to lean into to get different angles on the body as well as to make it more comfortable for the therapists.

Using feet and body weight your therapist is able to create a deep consistent pressure throughout the whole massage. While this is a deep tissue massage, pressure is always catered to your specific needs.


The Benefits Of Massage On The Body

There are many physical benefits to receiving Ashi. It can help relieve sore muscles, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and increase range of motion. Ashi can also help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep quality.

The foot offers a broad surface as opposed to the more pointy tool of the hands, forearms and elbows making the deep work feel less invasive and more comfortable to receive. Allowing the body to relax more deeply while still enjoying the therpeutic benefits of a deep tissue massage.

The Benefits Of Massage For Mental Wellbeing

Massage has long been known to have positive effects on mental wellbeing as well as physical health. Studies have shown that regular massage sessions can help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms while improving mood and overall sense of wellbeing. Additionally, research shows that regular massages may even help boost cognitive performance by increasing focus and concentration levels.

All in all, there are plenty of benefits associated with ashiatsu barefoot massage that make it worth considering. With its combination of deep tissue techniques and the pressure applied by the therapist's feet instead of their hands gives a truly one-of-a-kind experience that can provide both physical and mental relief!

So why not give it a try today!


One of A Kind!


Gracey Rohrenbach